+1 (604) 900-8099

Red Clamps

Challenging the Status Quo the Ischebeck Way

For us, challenging the status quo means always looking for new and innovative ways to improve our services, products and systems, and then pass that value on to you.

Asking the tough questions

Challenging the status quo as we understand it requires us to observe, listen and be willing to learn.

Learning and not acting is as undesirable as not being willing to learn because we know better.

Additionally, we must act when identifying things or actions that are difficult, expensive, disruptive or plain unproductive. Learning and not acting is as undesirable as not being willing to learn because we know better.

Challenging the status quo occasionally puts us into the uncomfortable position of asking ourselves what we can do to create a better outcome.

Much more than a supplier

As such we are not satisfied with just being a supplier of formwork equipment. Anybody can sell or rent shores frames and beams for concrete forming or shoring.

The goal is to make it efficient and easy for you to work with our solutions.

We offer systems where the parts have been designed to work together as a whole like a well-tuned machine. The goal is to make it efficient and easy for you to work with our solutions.

Formwork and shoring are not only the systems we offer or the sale we make. It also includes maintenance, required engineering, safety, equipment planning, and logistics as well as support before, during and after a project.

Sometimes it's the small things

It’s not always big issues that get in the way. There are lots of hands-on examples, where we tend to accept the status quo. Case in point, form-workers accept the fact that small pieces like clamps get lost on the job. They are brushed into the garbage bin. It's a subject of jokes.

For us, this means just another item on the 'unpleasant-list' at the end of a project: discuss with you that you lost a couple thousand dollars worth of clamps. I understand you are always thrilled.

Case in point, form-workers accept the fact that small pieces like clamps get lost on the job.

To me it was worth taking the time to ask the question, what can we as a formwork supplier do to change this?

In doing so, we came up with an idea and implemented it. By painting these small clamps bright red, we made them stand out and much easier for workers to see.

Big results

Recently a large job returned. They were missing only three- that is 3 -clamps out of 750. We thought this was a pretty good result!

This is just one of the ways our willingness to challenge the status quo and come up with ingenious ways to do things has resulted in a win-win situation for everyone, most importantly for you our client.

Contact us to find out how we can help you!

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