Efficient and Safe
Ischebeck HV comprises just four main components and can be erected and dismantled by only two operatives without the need for special tools, making it one of the least labour intensive systems on the market.
- main beam
- secondary beam
- HV panel
- drop-head
With all erection and dismantling undertaken from beneath the deck itself, Ischebeck HV minimizes requirements for working at greater heights and makes a major contribution to site safety.
The Ischebeck HV System:
- can be adapted to fit any plan layout
- combines the advantages of panel and beam slab formwork
- fits tight against walls in all directions
- is simple to use, not dependent on crane handling
- formwork can begin at several places simultaneously
- reduces time needed for erecting and stripping formwork
HV is the tried-and-tested aluminum slab forming system that allows every formwork task to be carried out quickly and economically without time-consuming and costly adaptation or make-up panels.